Dear Foothill Ranch Middle School Parents & Guardians,
As the new principal of Foothill Ranch Middle School, I’m incredibly excited to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. Whether your student is beginning or continuing their journey at Foothill Ranch Middle School, we are thrilled you have chosen to be a part of our special academic community. We’re looking forward to working with you to ensure all students feel welcomed and connected at FRMS. Our highly qualified team of teachers and support staff is committed to providing our students with exceptional opportunities/experiences both inside and outside the classroom. Our academic and enrichment programs continue to be a source of pride—from AVID to English Language Development to our Athletic Sports programs.
Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024, is the first day of school. Our start time is 8:00AM. Students will start school at the same time every day and will be released two hours early on Wednesdays (Early Release Wednesdays) for staff Professional Learning Time (PLT).
Attendance is extremely important. Instruction begins promptly, so please make sure your child arrives on time and ready to learn. If you have questions, call (916) 566-3440. Please leave your name, number and message. Our office hours are from 7:30a.m. to 4:00p.m. You can also find information about our school on our website at: frms.trusd.net
I welcome your input and partnership as we work together on behalf of all children. To stay informed of all that is taking place at FRMS, please be sure to have an updated cell phone number and email address to receive information via our Aeries Portal/Parent Square messaging system.
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your child’s educational journey. Here’s to a successful and rewarding school year!
If you’ve driven by the school recently you’ve observed a lot of on-going construction. As a result of the construction, parking access to the school is limited. Therefore, we are holding the orientation in two frames.
Date: Orientation Day is Tuesday, August 13, 2024.
Location: Report to the Cafeteria
Time: 8:30am-11:30am Last names A-M
Time: 12:30pm-3:30pm Last names N-Z
Entrance will be through the side gate on Diablo Dr. located by the stop sign on Diablo Dr. and Oakbank. All parents must make sure to complete their data confirmation to delay from picking your student’s schedule. Please check your parent portals and email from the district for proper links.
Mr. Porter